Logical to a Fault

The opinions and rants of a logical mind in an illogical world

Category: Random

  • Random Thoughts (01-02-2022)

    You know, a lot of people have told me to reach out if I need anything or if I want or need to just talk.  I’m starting to realize why I don’t… the very reason they are saying that in the first place.  I’m struggling, but we are all struggling.  I look at myself and…

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  • Random Thoughts (02-17-2021)

    I discovered something today during my therapy session… I am desperate to find someone to be here with me. Not as a partner or a lover, but as a sanity check. It’s a matter of trusting in myself and that I know what I’m doing is right and that who I am good enough. For…

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  • Random Thoughts (05-16-2023)

    It is true that no one should rely on someone else to give them purpose or happiness, but there is the need to not be alone. We are tribal/village/clan creatures by nature. I have been hurt, disappointed, and had my heart broken enough times that I’m sometimes just numb to everything. I’m sorry if my…

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  • Random Thoughts (07-07-2024)

    What is it about the human condition that drives us to find someone to love and that we hope will love us in return? What is it that sets us up for such excruciatingly painful failure? Am I giving up? No. I will scream against the disappointment and pain and to reach as far as…

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  • The Format

    As a way of flowing through the rationalization of the issue being discussed I have come up with these sections that will be the baseline for all of my posts. “Does Not Compute!” – Basically, what is it that doesn’t really make sense to me and my logical mind. This will also include a basic…

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